
Committees and Enterprises 1959 – 1st World Congress Report: "Our International Committee was responsible for establishing charitable activities such as schools and hospitals, raising the funding for them, and administering their foundation ‘until such time as they became self-supporting'". 1961 Bapak in Perwata #3/4 1961: “...

Bapak constantly encouraged Subud members to undertake enterprises and he described the concept of enterprise with slightly varying emphases on different occasions. Bapak outlined a range of interrelated reasons why it is crucial for Subud members to strive to undertake enterprises. These reasons relate to putting our own latihan into practice,...

Brothers and sisters, tonight' Bapak is going to continue to explain to you about enterprises. The word "enterprise" is an English word and therefore it shouldn't be hard for you to understand it, but Bapak knows that for many of you the concept of enterprise, if you translate it into Indonesian, is Usaha. Usaha means effort, and it also means work. So actually, it means the awakening of the human being. When a human being awakens, he works. This working is actually his duty and his responsibility for as long as he lives in this world. So the meaning of the word enterprise is actually an awakening. This can take many forms and there are many varieties which this effort or this work can take.

Learn to stand on our own feet This is why, Brothers and Sisters, Bapak advises you to do enterprises, so that you can learn to stand on your own feet. You can learn to find your own way, and in your enterprises you will find that truly you can do it,...

You have to understand that man has two duties in this world: One is to worship Almighty God according to God's guidance. And the second one is to use his nafsu in accordance with the Will of God in order to fulfil the needs of his life in this world....

[mepr-show rules="1669" unauth="message"] This content is shown only to authorized members. It is hidden from everyone else. [/mepr-show] So we can say that at this moment Subud has not yet been able to show the world what it really is, what it can do. Because Subud has not yet shown the...

A by-product of this which goes beyond the people we are helping and the gratitude or the benefit for the people who we help is that if Subud is seen participating in projects of this kind, Subud will become known to those who run the government as an organisation that...

[With thanks to Rahman Connelly who compiled most of the extracts used in this section in 2001] Since 1957 Bapak says that actually those of you who were in Coombe Springs will remember that Bapak talked about Kalimantan then. Bapak came first to Coombe Springs in 1957. So it means that already...