
If you are having difficulty registering or resetting your password and you are seeing a blank page or error code, please try quitting your browser and restarting it.

NOTE: Many Subud members’ email addresses are already automatically registered on this website, so if your email is already in the list you will not be able to register with the same email (you will see a message to that effect when you try to register) – all you need to do is reset your password to get instant access. The password reset process involves an automated email being sent to you – this may arrive in your Junk / Spam folder depending on your email settings (Hotmail in particular tends to block these types of emails).

If you are still unable to solve your issue, please use this form to contact the website administrator.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    • I want to register• I can't reset my password• Other

    Your Message