SES Reps… and Artists!

SES Reps… and Artists!


We need your contact details to help spread the news. I was talking to the Chair of Subud Indonesia and he was amazed that two people (myself and my co-chair Hammond Peek) could complete the task of representing SESI in 80 countries. We can’t possibly! We want to build a strong SES (Subud Enterprise Services) network of reps at the national level around the world. We want to share the amazing enterprises of members all over the world, with the aim of building active enterprise directories and panels of experts and mentors. This Newsletter is seeking articles, photos and input from you to share around the world. Articles can be submitted in other languages if necessary. Next issue we will be looking at SUBUD UK.


We are asking for readers to contribute a banner for each monthly issue of this newsletter. Doesn’t have to be a painting, can be a photograph of your enterprising life, a product, portrait, or inspiring view. Please send to us at or

The picture of the right that was used in the second SESI Newsletter was done by Amelia Williams in California. If you want to subscribe to the newsletter, please go to and fill in your details.

1 Comment
  • Brian Wielsch
    Posted at 21:35h, 22 June

    Dear Gaye, in response to acquiring contact details in 80 countries I suggested to Freiburg organisers to provide contact details, mob numbers, email addresses and expertise when registering for future listing of SESI, they said they would pass my comments on (to whom?) but to this day I haven’t heard anything from them. Therefore I propose that this may be a good starting point to back track and acquire all registrations who attended the Freiburg Congress, Cheers, Brian (Subud Sydney)

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